Underachievement Unlocked

20 mar. 2003

Ten years after the first Gulf War, and television reporting hasn’t improved an inch. Three little batches of bombing over Baghdad tonight, and they’re all speculating whether Saddam could be dead, his message could be pre-recorded, or it could be said by a double. Uh, come on… they dropped ten missiles in the hours after the ultimatum’s end, and you think he could be dead? Like, what, he was watering his flowers, or walking his dog, at the wrong time? And I’m not even watching the two biggest TV stations, so I’m spared the ballet of local correspondents who haven’t seen a thing.

The world started turning wrong the day journalists began searching for information to occupy air time, instead of going on air to report information. And it’s not getting better.

P.S. This article was deleted when I heard that the whole operation was designed this way because of mysterious mystery-like information about Saddam Mystery Hussein’s presence, then undeleted because it probably was American bluff, and because everybody asked why I deleted it, and because it’s even been linked, and because I don’t plan to post anything else today, and because I’m weak.

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