Underachievement Unlocked

17 mar. 2003

I usually spare you my reviews of TV shows since they’re bound to be irrelevant to foreign readers, but this time I have something worth translating, because it’s about me. Me, me, me, yeah, come on, you know that’s the whole purpose of a blog.

So tonight I watched the first two episodes of Six Feet Under. And I’m gonna have to keep the first one on tape and watch it again regularly. Did I tell you that I’ve had the weird idea, this week, of writing a short movie? If I didn’t, now I have. I’ll probably get it out of my head soon, but for now I’m working at it, and I now have a model to refer to. How to establish characters and setting in twenty minutes, how to make them likable and interesting as fast as possible, because there’s no time to be lost: that’s the greatest challenge of shorts (well, unless you’re a poet, which I’m not—if I write a short movie, it won’t be a weird, artsy thing that nobody can understand, because that’s something I just don’t know how to make). So now my script will have to be as funny and as intense as the first episode of Six Feet Under. I know that’s not gonna be easy, but I won’t settle for any less. I’ve taken a few notes, and I’ll have to watch it again for further inspiration (who said copycat?). But maybe I’d have to decide, first, how the story’s gonna end, before I start rewriting everything to give the characters some breadth. All of that is not as bad as it seems: I have something to do, and something I’m willing to do! Or maybe I’m just delusional? That wouldn’t be new…

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