Underachievement Unlocked

14 mar. 2003

There was a time when my future was clear, when I didn’t wonder if I was motivated enough to do what I had to, or good enough to do what I wanted to. I just hate hearing on the radio some song I haven’t listened to for more than ten years. Memories should be burned down as we go, and everything would be so much simpler.

Right now, since burning memories seems impractical (though it should be achievable with a good, sharp ice pick and a good aim), I feel like burning down the future (which brings me back to the ice pick, by the way). At least it wouldn’t be uncertain any more.

I also feel like closing this blog (and not only because of you don’t know what, or because of you don’t know what either), but I have no idea what could replace it (for me, I mean, not for the readers). It already doesn’t keep me that much busy these days, but if I delete it there’ll really be nothing left for me to do. But still, some people are reading these lines (no, actually, they’re reading the French version) although they shouldn’t, and it’s not helping.

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