Underachievement Unlocked

3 mar. 2003

I need a best of, a top of the blogs section, like a few other blogs have. We should all have one (well, except those who only ever write shit? or those who are steady geniuses, but that’s technically impossible). I hate to think that someone who’s discovering my site today (and many do these days, with all the time I spend on chatrooms) could believe that the most recent posts, those displayed on the home page, are representative of this journal. Because they’re not, it’s been much better once. Yeah, really. So I’m launching a great public poll: which are the ten best posts in the history of Which posts should be included in the upcoming reader’s digest section of the sidebar?

I shouldn’t post this, because I systematically forget everything I’ve written just the minute I publish it on my site. Well, I guess that if I do receive feedback (not that I expect much of it—especially for the English version) it’ll remind me of that thought.

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