Underachievement Unlocked

14 feb. 2003

One prosecutor argued that my attorney should not be able to review the electronic evidence with me on a laptop computer, because I could somehow break into the Bureau of Prisons computers and release myself from custody, or write a virus/worm that would somehow leak out from the computer and wreak havoc upon the free world. I was astonished that the judge bought into these scenarios, even when my attorney pointed out the laptop did not have modem or network capability.

Just a few dozen years ago, judges could understand by themselves what was happening in a trial. Now we’re in a transition period, where most judges currently in place have grown in a siliconless world, and they have no other option than listening to the most convincing expert (or non-expert). We are living fascinating times. And it’s really not the best time to do anything even remotely illegal on your computer.

And I… have a blog. A publication space, under my own personal legal responsibility, where I write text I hardly even proof-read. I’ve got to be insane. Well, I am anyway.


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