Underachievement Unlocked

7 feb. 2003 — version 1857.0

I’m not the kind of blogger who changes his layout every month, oh no I’m not. I’m quite stable for that matter—and for any matter, for that matter. I’m a stable boy, I’m quiet and wise and reliable, you can count on me, personally and professionally, and I’m… uh… yeah, whatever.

Considering that, right now, I’m looking for a contract… Well, considering that I’m somehow loosely looking for something that would kinda make me earn money and… Well, let’s say I’m basically waiting for someone to come to me and ask me to make their site, and they’d be rich, and generous, and nice and kind, and not a pain the ass, and the site they’d want me to do would be an interesting and motivating project, and it would happen just when I’m in the right mood, and… uh… yeah, whatever.

Since I need money right now, I had to get a more graphic homepage. The horizontal banner was nice and all, and I didn’t mind that my blog looked just as original as 75% of the other blogs, but it didn’t quite give out the impression that I’m a Photoshop wizard. (But am I? Hey, that’s way beside the point.) Hence the new layout, to show off that I can not only use Photoshop, but also make 3D pictures. Ok, simple, easy 3D pictures, but still. I’m here to sell myself, so please be quiet, will you? Now ain’t it pretty? I like. It’s not necessarily prettier than the previous version, but it’s not less either: it’s just a bit more graphical. Which is good, because that was the whole point.

Now I can go on not working and not looking for work, but at least have the warm and satisfying feeling that the client of my dreams will just find me by himself. Because the client of my dreams is like the boyfriend of my dreams: he can and will find me. That’s precisely what defines him.

P.S. The way the G is distorted by perspective already bothers me, hardly one hour after I uploaded it. So I guess the picture might be slightly modified one of these days. But a good night of sleep comes first.

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