Underachievement Unlocked

16 jan. 2003

Don’t give up

I’m beginning to think that this bilingual blog thing isn’t going to work. That the time I spend writing the English version would be better used by working more on the French text. That my writing suffers. I’m spending less time on each version and, when I want to change something right before I send, I have to find enough courage to edit both versions simultaneously. And you should know my courage supply is limited.

I’m still giving myself some time to get used to the system, so we’ll see. Or maybe I could stick to the concept, but only translate a part of my blog into English. Depending on the post’s interest or… my laziness. But I don’t want to give up—I’ve spent one day internationalizing the site’s scripts, and I don’t like my programming to get trashed.

In fact, I’m not quite satisfied with the way I’ve written for the past couple of days. And I’m wondering whether it comes from a general lack of inspiration, or more specifically from having to write everything twice. So we’ll just have to see if the blog can come back to its, uh, former glory (yeah, right, as if) or if I must give up on English.

Oh, and there’s also the fact that I’m afraid of writing terrible English. Ok, not terrible, but not good enough for native readers. I don’t want to look like a French grad student writing a paper for his teacher. I don’t want it to be obvious that I’m French. But maybe that will be sorted out in time—I haven’t written much English for a while, so I may have to get used back to it.

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