Underachievement Unlocked

15 jan. 2003


I just realized I am more and more reluctant to write about the same topics every blogger does, to link the same sites, to express my opinion (which cannot be unique) on the same subjects.

And that, just as I’m about to open the English version of my blog. I already can’t cope with the fact that a couple of other French blogs might say the same thing as me; it’s suicidal of me to enter this big world of blogs that all say the same things at the same time.

I’m writing fewer and fewer articles these days (but still a lot—I started with a very high posting rate), but the writing is more elaborate. Which is a good thing. But there are more and more ideas and tidbits that don’t make it to the blog, and just lay on the editing room’s floor (i.e., in my Treepad notes). And I’m not sure whether this is good or bad.

Actually, it’s a step back towards the origins of this journal. In the beginning, I used to take notes for a few days, and then sort through them and leave out what wasn’t worth posterity. It’s less extreme now, as I’m still posting everyday and several times a day—and I hope it’ll stay that way. Maybe it’s the way of things. Maybe it’s the way of my things.

When I started the blog, I never planned to offer a window wide open into my soul, into my spirit, into the ethereal void that doesn’t fill up my head and exerts a negative pressure against the walls of my skull. I just intended to write. And filter stuff out. Filter a lot of stuff out. Because that’s what I do. There’s absolutely nobody who’d know everything about me; it wouldn’t make sense if my blog’s readers knew more about me than my friends do.

Funny that’s not what I wanted to write about originally. So this was about uninteresting posts and taking part in global memes. Nah, I think quick links with not much of a reflection from me should stay in the minilog. Maybe I should change the minilog so that I could type a couple of lines of comments for each link. Or maybe I’d get confused?

Anyway, here’s my resolution for the blog: more personal writing, less uninspired linking and quoting. And I’ll stick to it. At least until tomorrow.

This post is a little sloppy. It’s four in the morning, I was already sleepy at midnight. Why am I not in bed yet?

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