Underachievement Unlocked

14 jan. 2003

Office space

There’s a real, tangible improvement in my room’s new layout. It wasn’t planned, but now there’s some kind of a separation between the desk part and the bed part.

Ok, said this way, it doesn’t look like much, or maybe even less. But it’s important, psychologically. Or not. But I think it is. Well, it’s not gonna change my life, but now there’s an itinerary (of at least, what, seven feet?) between my bed and my seat. Before, I could just lift my butt from my chair and slide onto the bed, directly. And it makes a big difference: now, when I’m on my bed, I’m really in sleep mode. Not like I could just sit up suddenly and check what’s on my screen, or crawl up to the keyboard.

I know I sound like I’m getting worked up about nothing, but I don’t really get worked up, I’m just writing this to fill up the blog. Uh, no, that’s not what I meant to say. The thing is, really, by splitting the room into two areas, while keeping a large enough common space, I feel like I’m living in a loft. Well, a big studio apartment, at least. Anyway, that’s why I feel like my room is bigger than it was. So, if you decide to reorganize the room you live in, think about this: it’s not a good idea to set your desk up so that it’s directly in front of your bed.

Have I written this only to try out my simultaneous translation, or would I have posted it anyway? Well, I’ll never know…

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