Underachievement Unlocked

13 jan. 2003

Just use me!

I know that Unbreakable is a bad movie, I said so myself here. But, still. Translating Mister Glass with Le bonhomme qui casse (the guy who breaks) or villain with scélérat (which means something more like traitor to me), that’s unacceptable sabotage. I really wonder where they find their translators. I really wonder why I’m not doing that, as a job. Oh, right: because I’ve already tried, and they don’t want me. Well, I only slightly tried, with a couple of technical publishers. I can’t imagine sending applications to traditional publishers (and even less to movie translators, because it’s a real job that you have to learn, with all the technical aspects that are used as an excuse for poor translation) when all I have on my resume is an engineer’s degree and a blogger’s experience. I don’t think it’s enough. And I don’t like being laughed at.

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