Underachievement Unlocked

3 jan. 2003

For once, this week’s Friday Five is interesting, as it allows me to add to my picturelog something I should have photographed a long time ago.

1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind?

A Zero ring, that you can see pictured here and there. Too bad for those who don’t know who Zero is, their culture is really lacking.

2. How often do you wear it?

When I’m going out, i.e. not often (because it doesn’t include when I’m going to the supermarket).

3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where?

No. though I’m not banishing the thought: if I found something simple, small, cute and that could fit me, why not. I’d like to have a piercing on the side of the nose (they say it’s particularly painful there), but it wouldn’t look good on me, at all. Generally, most piercings wouldn’t fit me. Guess I haven’t got the right face for it. So all that’s left is the navel, but I’ve got to work out more first.

4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where?

No, and that’s not an option. It’s too final for my taste.

5. What are your plans for the weekend?

This smells of a lack of inspiration to finish the questionnaire. Considering that the whole questoinnaire has hardly been inspired for the last few months, it’s lame. So, well, my plans for the week-end are going out again, and also viewing the beginning of season 6 of Buffy on Saturday. Buffy. Buffy. Buffy. Buffy. Yeah, TV series reach France that late.

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