Underachievement Unlocked

26 sep. 2004 — version 1871.0g

You didn’t dare say it out loud (which shows a restraint and politeness I didn’t expect of you… so that probably means you’re actually just bored and uninterested), but the previous version was quite ugly. So I decided to get to something more elaborate.

First step, checking the web for references. I shouldn’t provide a link, because my new layout will appear far less pretty when you compare it to its model, but the main inspiration here is Justwatchthesky. The sidebar’s back because it just looks empty without it, and I definitively (for now) give up flexible width, even when there are big pictures: from now on they’ll be shown in popups. It’s less ergonomical, but flexible width layout is really too constraining for a designer.

Second step, because I wanted to make something really graphical and not just make do with a filtered photo or a quick, crappy monochrome logo, I spent some time on to check out what could represent the garoo’s excellence. And here’s the result. A few layers, some lighting effects, a Photoshop checker pattern for filler, and there you go. Definitely more welcoming than the previous few versions.

No idea why the NiceTitle script (displaying link information under the mouse) recently started bugging in Mozilla, but I intend to rework it extensively someday.

As for the minilog display glitches in Explorer (unpredictable line heights, displaced underline borders), I’m aware of them, but you should just switch to Firefox, because you should anyway, and because I don’t think there’s any solution to solve the bug while keeping the layout’s elegance.

All that’s left now to do is putting the archives code back in. But I don’t feel like it right now.

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yom, 7 years ago:

c'est clean, c'est lumineux, c'est beau, tout simplement.

Katioucha, 7 years ago:

Ça a le mérite d'être moins brouillon que la dernière version.

jeff, 7 years ago:

joli travail graphique rien à redire. Je dois quand même avouer que ca fait un peu logo de secte ou d'organisation secrète genre temple du garoo guru :)
Mais ne change rien, c'est très bien comme ca !

garfieldd répond au courier des lecteurs, 7 years ago:

je preferais l'ancien layout. certes la mise en page actuelle semble plus clean, plus "classique" plus abordable pour la navigation...
mais le logo fait trop "secte" genre les pouvoirs psychiques en 10 leçons
en fait j'aimais bien l'ancienne interpretation photographique tout en violet...
voilà quoi...

Daria, 7 years ago:

J'ignorais que tu était franc-maçon? Ou bien c'est juste que tu vénères le dollar? ^__-

garoo, 7 years ago:

Jeff : c'est un peu l'idée :o)

KiKi, 7 years ago:

Snif! Smallville aurait-elle définitivement absorbé les derniers fragments de rose de ton layout? Heureusement qu'on a encore du gris (et du bordeaux du plus bel effet...)

Euh... j'ai rien dit: y a encore du rose, si, si, il n'a pas encore disparu du soulignement des liens. Ouf!

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