Underachievement Unlocked

5 oct. 2003

ER — 9.09—9.10

This is what happens when an American writer falls in love with the movie Irrésistible. Except that this backwards construction doesn’t work for ER, because there are too many subplots and characters, too many distractions, whereas the whole point of the thing is to focus on the person who will eventually become a victim. Except, also, that Luka and Erin are pretty much the least charismatic characters of the show (I know that some would disagree with me about Luka, but I don’t think so about Erin), which means it’s a waste to dedicate a special device to them. Oh, and, basically, I’m not such a fan of those ER episodes that just rely on plagiarizing a movie in order to get noticed.

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