Underachievement Unlocked

3 oct. 2003

Life as a House

As flattering as it may be to see my part played by Hayden Christensen (well, my part, but not for all of it, I have to reassure those who saw the movie), it had been a long time since I last saw a movie so despicable, and shouted at my TV like that (or laughed, too, thanks to a script that miraculously manages to get even stupider scene after scene). A diamond, this movie, in that so characteristic genre that only American cinema is capable of offering us.

Of course, I only watched the whole movie because I was shocked to find out that Hayden is cute, with dark hair. I think George Lucas must have a definite talent for making his actors look bad, especially with wigs. Oh, and it’s true that black hair and black eye makeup makes everyone look great — or, maybe not everyone, but at least Hollywood twinks. Why wouldn’t I try? For Halloween? Not that I’m a Hollywood twink, even far from it, but I’d have to test.

I’m amazed at the structure used in building American houses. Before I saw it, in this movie or in a past Gilmore Girls épisode for instance, I couldn’t understand why, in American movies, houses were totally reduced to ashes after a fire. All wood, air and wood? I can imagine it dates back to the Far West pioneers or something, but… not to mention cement, haven’t they heard of stones since then?

Living in a house made entirely of wood, such a nightmare for me. (Won’t go into the specifics.)

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