Underachievement Unlocked

29 nov. 2022

1899 S1 — 4/10

Damn, that was bullshit. Maybe there was a decent movie in there, but hour upon hour of actors staring meaningfully at someone delivering a monologue in a language they don’t speak didn’t leave me inclined to finding whatever good there might be. Could you just crack a joke once in a while? Because all this trauma porn intercut with long doleful stares got old by the end of the first episode.

At least the cast was good, I guess. Meanwhile, this article contains a link to a free PDF of the Black Silence comic if you want to compare and make your own opinion. Looks like a generic space possession story with a pyramid in an alien desert that expresses itself through triangles in the eyes, and that’s it. Even if they’d lifted the triangle imagery from glancing at the comic in someone’s hand, that would not constitute plagiarism in any reasonable sense.

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